Well i'll be dipped... It worked

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Joined: Sun Aug 07, 2011 4:05 pm
Location: Huatulco, Oaxaca, Mexico

Re: Well i'll be dipped... It worked

Post by Rasper »

because of a half trillion dollars they already spent and they need folks to keep smoking
Governments have their priorities. Perhaps they run approximately so:
  • Get re-elected
  • Make a lot of money
  • Make the public pay
They need tobacco taxes and liquor taxes to pay their salaries. The police and the DEA need drug busts so they can steal the drug dealers' cash and sell half of the confiscated drugs. I had a friend who got caught driving a truck with 14,000 pounds of grass. When he went to trial 8,000 pounds were presented as evidence. What happened to the other 6000 pounds?

Ever wonder why traffic cops in the US are such a nuisance? Well, just think about it. It costs cities money to catch real crooks. They make money writing traffic tickets. Here in Mexico we have almost no traffic enforcement. If a cop does stop you, you just give him ten bucks and he goes away.

I am not a Trump fan. I think he is a bad human being. (But so is Hillary.) But I also think Trump just may do a something to start getting the government off of Americans' backs. I got the hell out of there. Mexico is like America was when I was a kid in the 1940's and 1950's. You can do pretty much what you want to here as long as you don't hurt people or destroy their property.

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