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Re: OK... I'm officially bored. Gotta do something creative

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:28 pm
by dallen
nice looking ring


Re: OK... I'm officially bored. Gotta do something creative

Posted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 9:59 pm
by mite5255
Well done Frank :D

Re: OK... I'm officially bored. Gotta do something creative

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 5:03 pm
by Rasper
That's what I get for using the wrong wax on the original.
That seems to be the fact of the foundry. In every casting I always seem to do the wrong something or other that makes it more work after break out than it should have been.

I am glad to hear that you are back at work in your foundry instead of pouring all of your energy into houses. Contrary to common belief, houses are a huge liability. They eat up your life. Houses are a woman's thing. If my wife died tonight, my house would be on the market tomorrow morning.


Re: OK... I'm officially bored. Gotta do something creative

Posted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 9:17 pm
by F.C.
Though I fully understand your sentiment, Rasper, a house of my own means an aweful lot to me. I've owned three so far... all of 'em needed fix'n up and/or finishing. However, once that's done it's heaven on earth as far as I'm concerned. My own "fortress of solitude", as it were. Hard to put a price on that. I'd much prefer fix'n stuff, though, than being subject to another owner's whim. I've rented a crap load of homes over the decades past. Only a few were worth a damn and a pure enjoyment to experience. But in my own homes and property I can do what I want, build what I want to suit my endevors, AND operate a smoke'n belch'n metal casting business work'n any and all hours of the day or night.

Yes, this last go of it was a pure pain in the ass to get this place back into condition. Now that it's caught up it'll stay that way from now on since there won't be asswipes live'n here that'll destroy it. Yes, the locale isn't exactly what I'd prefer but there's no way I could afford a place any better placed on the planet due the cost of real estate these days. Perhaps in Missouri... but... as mentioned before, this move was IT for me and the Mrs. It took a lot out of us. We're dig'n in and not budging again. Besides, these five acres are drop dead peaceful and quiet and the weather here 80% of the time is equally delightful. We have a nice home, huge fenced yard for our dogs and the wife's flower beds, a screened in sun porch to sit in and sip coffee each morning while watch'n the sun rise and sunsets, and my dream shop I built six years ago that, NOW, I can finish and get active to start producing art again. And the economy here is favorable to make retiring on social security doable. I'd never EVER entertain renting another place again. ;)

Finished sanding and polishing that other ring, and modified that first one a smidgeon to better suit my taste. Both fit my hand nicely. Thought originally they might be a bit cumbersome till I put them on and wore them all day today. Other than significantly heavier than rings I'm used to wearing (something I can easily get used to soon enough) they're not cumbersome in any way and don't snag reach'n into pockets and such. Also expected them to "flop" one side or the other due the mass of the head/face section but I thought about that in the design and incorporated some surfacing details on the inside that resist that movement but don't feel it when pressure is put against 'em on the finger they're on. I could easily drive one of these through someone's face and not worry about crack'n a finger bone.

Here's the both of 'em finished. 8-)

Re: OK... I'm officially bored. Gotta do something creative

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 2:44 am
by mite5255
Hey Frank, they look cool ;)

Re: OK... I'm officially bored. Gotta do something creative

Posted: Tue Oct 28, 2014 3:42 am
by latzanimal
Those do look cool…

Glad to see your back at it Frank….