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the decline of mechanical forums

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 7:04 pm
by Rasper
I have noticed a fairly consistent decline over the past several years in participation in forums that deal with mechanical work. I am, or I was, active in two sculpture forums, a metal polishing forum, two metal shaping forums, and two metal casting forums. The polishing forum and the two sculpture forums are comatose (no activity at all). The metal shaping forums have devolved into discussions about tools; few of the guys are building cars any more. The casting forums seem to be losing energy gradually.

I have an idea about this. It may not hold water, but it seems valid to me. Those of us who spent our childhoods in our fathers' basement workshops, and our teen-age years building hot rod cars, are old now. In fact a lot of us are dead now. And the younger guys, those born in the 1950's and later; most of them spent their childhoods sitting in front of a television, and their teen age years kicking a soccer-ball. Most of them wouldn't know a lathe from a sewing machine. They can play a mean video game though.


Re: the decline of mechanical forums

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2017 9:49 am
by Jammer
I would tend to agree with you Richard, but your timeline may be a little off. I was born in the 50's and I spent most of my time outside in the woods or build a space craft from old lawn mowers. Then I started fixing lawnmower engines and making little go cart things to drive around the yard.

Today, every human being seems to have their face buried in a phone and pays no attention to the outside world. Kind of yelled at my son when we went to visit and felt he paid no attention to us the whole time. Arrrgh!

Re: the decline of mechanical forums

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 4:21 am
by latzanimal
Facebook has changed the internet and they way people interact. Chat forums are no longer the norms....

I will add that I was born long after the 50's, however, most of the time I am just too damn busy...

Re: the decline of mechanical forums

Posted: Sat Jan 14, 2017 12:16 pm
by F.C.
Early 50's with me, too. I was raised by depression era parents and grandparents, plus my formative years on a military post, multiple states and various countries... "no rest till chores and obligations are done!" That was how life in my family was on a day to day basis all year, every year. I'm still that way today. I blame the breakdown of social interaction to those hiding behind a keyboard or their face buried in some handheld device play'n games and or run'n their proverbial mouth like a keyboard commando never once taking consideration what was typed might have some negative impact on the person receiving it. "Sorry", "Maam & Sir", as well as a heartfelt thank you to those who reached out to give one aide has all but vanished out of our language it appears... at least, to my perception. It is what it is. I further noticed the degradation of my boy's respect and appreciation for each other (constant fights and bickering) with each video game that glorified fighting, killing the enemy, etc. I gave them many, many warnings as well as lecturing over their formative years till one day I snapped... yanked their game player out of socket, games and equipment in a stack placed on the back deck, grabbed my shotgun and hollered "FORE!!" as I pitched the player off the deck and blew it to smithereens before it hit the ground. Likewise with each and every game. They didn't get any more games nor video equipment that would play them till they were teenagers. Instead, I ensured to instill a work ethic as I'd received in my youth in each and every one of em. Caused the biggest reason for the riff between my ex and I which never healed between us. I wasn't sorry. In fact, when each one grew to age they could leave home, each one of 'em came to me and appologised for the prick behavior they demonstrated back them and THANKED me for the backbone and responsibility I instilled within them those years. To this day they see the pathetic behaviors of those their age and younger who never had the love and devotion of a father to do that for them. They learned that a good parent is one who will prepare their child to live a productive life even at sacrifice of their children's love for them. NOW they each fully understand and have ensured their own children will not be deficient in that regard and will grow into responsible, loving, productive adults.

Re: the decline of mechanical forums

Posted: Thu Jan 19, 2017 6:38 pm
by Rasper
Facebook has changed the internet and they way people interact. Chat forums are no longer the norms....
My point exactly; people in general are now wallowing in the trivial. They seem to be more interested in chatting than they are in doing any real work. These are not chat forums; they are technical, for people who want to get some work done. If I wanted to know what you ate for breakfast yesterday morning, or wanted to see pictures of your dog, I would open a Facebook account.
