Algonquin Mill Festival 2024

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Algonquin Mill Festival 2024

Post by cae2100 »

Anyone coming up for it this year? Im defenitely planning on going and having fun as usual.

For anyone who doesnt know, the mill festival is an 1800s historical village that they start everything up once a year for this festival, but everything is run off of steam, so there is steam engines running all over the place, lol. They have lots of gas and steam engines everywhere, really good food, steam traction engines that run a sawmill, shingle mill, and the grinding/grain mill itself, which also doubles as a general store where you can buy the stuff that's ground there. There is good food almost everywhere you look, and lots of arts and crafts groups come in and show thier stuff. There is civil war reenactment groups that set up there also. There is a car show, a building set up around the old foot powered printing presses, blacksmithing areas, old school house, etc everywhere running and in operation.

Here's a link to the info. It's on the second weekend of october, so october 11-13th, which friday is very laid back but lots of stuff there, saturday is the big day when it pretty much triples in size and gets really busy. ... -festival/ ... l-festival

I go every year, and it's alot of fun.
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Re: Algonquin Mill Festival 2024

Post by Jammer »

It's that time again. Great festival, I don't know if I can make it. Have they always done the Civil War thing, I don't remember that?
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Re: Algonquin Mill Festival 2024

Post by cae2100 »

Yea, they have the tent in front of the building where they spin and dye the yarn and weave the stuff from it, just a small one, then the building to the far left that had all of the musket ball guns and everything in it along with some civil war stuff in there. It really isnt much, but there is a little bit of it there. The guy in front of the yarn building always had his camping kit scattered out to show what a soldier of that time would be carrying with him in his backpack.

Ill be going over friday with my dad and a friend that I used to work with when I worked as a trashman, so Ill defenitely be there then, then defenitely be there on saturday since that's the big day and when all of the goodies are to be found at the swap meet/junk venders, lol.
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Re: Algonquin Mill Festival 2024

Post by Jammer »

Oh yeah, I remember the tent set-up. There is so much to see there, it's hard to keep up.
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Re: Algonquin Mill Festival 2024

Post by Jammer »

Well, I'm not going to make it. Just found out that the doc is going to work on my knee, so I'll probably be laid up for the rest of the month.
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Re: Algonquin Mill Festival 2024

Post by cae2100 »

oh, that sucks, but at the same time, hopefully they can get the knee situation all fixed up for you. Hopefully they can get you all fixed up and back on your feet soon, nothing worse than being stuck being unable to work on the stuff that you want to due to a bum knee.
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Re: Algonquin Mill Festival 2024

Post by cae2100 »

Here's the video I recorded from the festival. I spent so much time talking to everyone that I didnt think to record even half of the stuff, lol. There was so much there tho that it was easily enough for a full video, lol.

I know that I defenitely came away with my fair share of goodies from there, I got a bunch of tools that Ive been after for a while, lol. I also ended up with another hand plane too, lol. It was a bit of an unexpected surprise but Ill defenitely be having fun with it, lol.
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Re: Algonquin Mill Festival 2024

Post by Jammer »

Looks like some new things going on. I like the mini straw baler.
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Re: Algonquin Mill Festival 2024

Post by cae2100 »

Yea, there was a bit of everything there, and alot of new stuff this year. There was a few new buildings put up too, like the old butcher's building and such up top, and a bunch of other stuff that I cut out to make the video watchable, lol. I really liked the rail truck and the old lister engine that was from england, along with the mantinence train cars that they had there and started up.

I think next year, I probably will take over some of my carving stuff to show off too, probably some of my patterns and castings, and stuff like that to set up with the carving group. I was BSing with friends over there so much that I honestly forgot to record most of the show and missed alot of stuff, lol.
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Re: Algonquin Mill Festival 2024

Post by greentwin »

Thanks for taking that video.
Looks like a great show.
I need to get back up there again.
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